Since 1962, the Construction Industry Center has made available to the members and their employees a major medical type of Health Insurance Plan. This plan has proved to be one of the most comprehensive catastrophic health insurance programs in the industry. It’s available with dental to all our active/full members regardless of how many employees they have. Both plans promote preventive care, and include reimbursement of expenses for major services. There are no claim forms to complete. Just present your I.D. Card to any participating doctor, pharmacist or dentist. There is also available a group life insurance plan that is designed to fit the basic needs of the members and their employees. The Construction Industry Center has found through the years that many of our members cannot afford private health or dental insurance. These affordable plans are available to all of our members as an additional service.
3202 W. Main , Ste. B, Rapid City, SD 57702
(605) 348-7410 (800)348-3130

Did you know...
Carver Insurance clients enjoy offering their employees flexible health insurance options, such as monthly deductibles, along with the most comprehensive network of physicians, pharmacies and hospitals in the area. Providing flexible benefits and access to a wide gamete of provider options creates happier, healthier employees and helps promote a positive work environment.

                    Carver Insurance has all the “tools” you need for your health insurance.

• Health (group and individual options) • dental
• long and short term disability • vision
• life • FLEX and Cobra.

All these and more are included our toolbox of insurance options. With a full line-up of health plan options, we can help determine which are best suited for you, your family or your employees. 

Contact us today to see learn more about all of our flexible health care options